Soon: a directory and news aggregation about all things CMS!
Episode 5 – German

Episode 4 – English (Spanish guest)

Episode 3 – English
With Nathan Wrigley!
We talk about his WordPress story, WordPress community and events, podcasting (with a very nerdy moment), the younger generation and our teenagers, and much more! Don’t miss it!
Épisode 2 – Français
Nous avons l’honneur d’accueillir Eddy Boels, de Whodunit, comme premier invité francophone !
(English subtitles available on the video)
First episode – English
He is the friendly face at WordPress events!
He is the deep radio-style voice of the WordPress community!
He usually interviews others!
Introducing WPMondo’s first ever guest: Bob Dunn from DotheWoo!
Fancy an email when we publish something cool? (English)
CMSMondo Global (English)
It’s here 🙂
CMSMondo in italiano (Italian) – Presto
CMSMondo auf Deutsch (German) – Bald
CMSMondo en español (Spanish) – Pronto